Multi-Factor Authentcation

Number Matching

Why Number Matching

MFA Number Matching is a new feature from Microsoft. It prevents you from accidentally authorising a rogue login attempt by making you enter a two-digit number in your Authenticator app.

# Password does not expire, click here to view the password policy.

What does it look like

There are two scenarios to bring to your attention.

1. If you are trying to authenticate on the same mobile device which also has the Authenticator app then you need to be aware that the “Number” will be hidden by the prompt and that you should press the “I can’t see the number” option to give you a 3 second glimpse of the “Number” behind that you need to enter into the prompt.

2. If you are trying to authenticate on a device that is separate to your mobile with the Authenticator App then you will clearly see the “Number” on the device and will be able to enter it into the mobile App when prompted.

Registering your device

You must register your first device inside the GDST network

You can login to computer with your email address and password.

4_GDST-Register for Multi-Factor Authentication_UserSpecific_Phase 3 (002).docx

Never share your passwords or MFA codes

Last updated 21 Oct 2018 by Eisen